A wonderful Love Story - Cloud love

Cloud love

In the winter of the winter, who is Rihanna's One jug of water pouring water on it Got up from Who gave me water on the ray?-I gave.The sky on the side of the cloud is bigger Looked at Shuva realized that something has happened today.The empress is angry. Allah knows What is on the forehead-Why are you crying?-Why do you drink water?I have given a wish.-If you want to do?-It's my birthday today?Why did not you see me?Rihan did not remember the clouds today Birthday is not worth it One must say that. So he said II know I'm your birthday today.-Why did not you know why you did not know First of all, if I do not wish, I'm bad It takes?To say that the water in the eye came to the cloud.I know. But I was thinking about another Do something-What?I'll wiss at the end of the week First of all .. I was thinking that all of us nowThen we'll do it.I have not been lying so much, I do not have to say anything.Ready to go out and walk around.Rihanna and the clouds are short-lived friends.They together that school college They are deep in between Friendship. And nobody knows about itIs there any way When they are ready, they come out and walk around.There are two people sitting in a park.Do not give me gifts, Rehan?-Hum.Did.Do you like that?-which gives you- No, I'll give you whatever you want. What do you want?-What exactly will I want?-Hy ray crazy-I want it,What do you do with me?I'll keep it in mind If not, then,-Why do not you?-Do not keep it-Then-Tell usus If you keep your head in the lap, then life will be there Then give itI do not want to-What do you want?I thought more about that I will put my head in my chest or you are mine I'I'l have a head in the lap. Then what will happen to me.Nothing will happen.The cloud started to cry.Rihanna gave him a slap With the chest in the chest Happy Pagli-Will keep all your life?- Hmm.Cloud on the head of Rihanna's chest She thought she was her best gift She's got it and she does not want anything.

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