Adsense earns up to 300 percent in six ways !!!!

Many of us have an idea of AdSense account in the form of money and money will come only, but such a thought is not exactly right. To make a fair amount of money from AdSense, you must keep in mind a number of things, and you have to go ahead and start working from the beginning, and you can earn good returns from Adsense. From the very beginning I was very much aware of this issue. But there are many things depending on experience and writing quality in different subjects. From the beginning I started doing various experimental work to increase AdSense revenue. There are some things that did not work and there are some things that worked for me a lot. Today I will share those things with you.

Targeted post writing by keyword research:
Good bloggers think of how much revenue can be made if the content developments in that keyword along with the user's demand, intentions and accordingly selecting keywords according to each post. Keyword Research is the sum of the ability to select profitable keywords and compilation, and it is a big issue to increase revenue from AdSense. You may know that AdSense is a rate for every keyword or phrase that has a cost per click, which is basically what Google has to pay to advertisers. Google says they pay 68% of the total CPC (max) publishers. Therefore, considering the CPC for publishers, it is considered to be an important issue. That is why I do research on the keywords related to the topics I write about in my blog, whose CPC is fairly good.

You can use the free AdWords Keyword Tool for keyword research. The topics that should be kept in mind during the keyword research are: What is the keyword that you are looking for in the search volume, how do the CPC, the advertiser (choose the highta in the edward competition, in some cases the media can be taken), and whether the keyword will look for long term Also, if you are searching for all the time (Google Trends can be seen), then you can write a keyword So, based on targeted keywords, write the post and see the AdSense Revenue increase at a faster speed.

Writing Original and Quality Content:
The first condition of earning good from AdSense is that the visitor's original and quality content will be published on regular websites. Therefore, you must keep in mind that copytop content is not given on the site. It's nothing special from seeing the dream of waking up a good revenues from AdSense by writing a copy of the postpiece post. Hypeping advertisers come to the quality content, who are interested to give a good CPC for clicks. It is understandable how important is the importance of posting original and quality post. So, nowadays, to increase the AdSense revenue, pay attention to the quality posting without the requirement of a copyist.

Traffic Buildings Especially emphasized in SEO:
We know, traffic = money in case of any business. In the same way, the more traffic is the opportunity to earn more, if only the other supplementary sites of the site can be utilized. And if you want to work AdSense then you must stress the traffic to increase. It is important to know that traffic enhancement strategies, especially the search engine optimization A2Z Because AdSense mainly gives priority to the click of targeted traffic from the search engine, it earns better. So AdSense publishers are more interested in SEO. You also need to give importance to social media marketing because it can be helpful to get a good rank in search engines. Some of us may know the importance of social signals to rank Google sites a few days ago. So be serious about these things since now.

Experiment with ad channel placement:
Adsense CPCs are largely dependent on the number of advertisements and the placement of the site. For example, ad posting titles for post titles are higher than other cities. That's why I put Adsense ads in front of the title of the post and place an ad in the middle of the post or at the end, in this case, I have another matter which is the CTR (Click Through Rate) of any format advertisement. However, it is important to know the new update on the fold in Google.

Large rectangle 336 x 280 ad units can be installed at the beginning of the post and at the end. Because the CTR (Click Through Rate) of this format is the highest and returns are good.

Another good aspect of ad posting at the beginning and end of the post is that there is a lot more to read click here. Because AdSense always displays post related ads, as readers will start reading post as a result of the science resources. If the post is not able to meet the needs of the reader, then he may click on the science displayed at the end of the post as an alternative resource. Another thing that I must tell you is to match the background color of the ad units to the background color of the pages so that the ads are not really read by advertisers, they will browse more information as well.

The fact that I've been getting noticed for a long time, is that the photos of the post with the science unit do not get bogged down because it violates the Adsense rules. I get my blog's sidebar and an ad unit, the ad unit always gets impression in it. I use up to 3 ad units on my site page because CTR (Click Through Rate) decreases (tested) when using more ad units. Adsense is very important for me to increase adsense and revenue. Sometimes I experiment with Adsense ad placement. You can also see, hopefully something good will come out. Below are two articles written on this topic that can be read here.

Blocking Irrelevant Advertisers:
Arrival of the Irrelevant Ads is the best aroning In many cases, content quality is showing adsense adsense Irrelevant and low paid ads site. One of AdSense's great features is to block irrelevant advertising donors. This is an effective option. Keyword Tools, Spyfu or KeywordSpy can be used to find advertisers who pay less than the national tools and we can detect irrelevant advertisers by monitoring the previous edits displayed on the site. Then they can be blocked from Adsense Dashboard> Allow and Block ads> Blocking Options> Advertisers URL.

Create ad channel:
Advertising channels are also an important subject. I created channels separately for each ad unit so that I can understand how much I am getting from an advertising unit and from what page or from a page. In this way, I pay more attention to the ad unit and the post which is getting better income from the post.

Other things:
The important aspect of earning from AdSense is to page view, keep the visitor on the site for a long time. I do a lot of work to increase page views like when I post a new one, link other posts related to that post and show the related posts below the post, which enables the visitors to post from one post to another, causing the page view to increase as well as CTR Through Rate increases Another thing I would give from the beginning was the importance of AdSense policy. Because if you do not follow the rules of AdSense, then your adsense will be canceled soon. I work to adhere to the topics highlighted in AdSense. From here you can see the AdSense rules and the rules of AdSense program policies. You can also come up with a small lot based site whose success rate is very good. However, Google's EMD update will be advised to be ahead of the update.

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